Bosch Safety Systems Designer update enables easy import of fire alarm system devices


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Bosch has released a new software version of Safety Systems Designer enabling Architects, planners and system integrators to easily import fire alarm system devices from floor plans into the Safety Systems Designer software.

In addition, Bosch has launched a new, free plugin that enables automatic data transfer between AutoCAD software and Bosch Safety Systems Designer. The free Bosch SSD Plugin is the only tool of its type offered by any fire alarm system manufacturer.

AutoCAD software is the most frequently used platform for building- and fire alarm systems design covering all planning phases. The Bosch SSD Plugin changes a time-consuming process from the users’ daily work routine into a stream-lined experience.

With the new plugin, the process is now fast, reliable and simple, enabling better project design and synchronization at any scale so fire alarm systems can be imported no matter the size of the floor plan or building project.

The Bosch SSD Plugin includes an extensive SSD CAD blocks library allowing designers to pick icons from more than 150 of EN 54 fire alarm system devices. These can then be placed comfortably onto floor plans through the AutoCAD blocks palette. The plugin can also be used with any customer specific CAD block, so that these can be amended and then transferred to Safety System Designer.

To improve the efficiency even further, every fire alarm system device can be assigned to a panel as well as to a loop in the context menu of the AutoCAD application and Safety Systems Designer automatically keeps these assignments to panel or loop after the import.

After import to Safety Systems Designer, users can continue further in-depth planning such as preparing a bill of material, a tender text, the battery calculation, or a system viability check.

The new version of Safety Systems Designer and the Bosch SSD Plugin for AutoCAD software are available immediately now.

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