FBU condemns Staffordshire Fire and Rescue for sending reduced crews to incidents


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The Fire Brigades Union has condemned Staffordshire Fire and Rescue’s decision to send on call firefighters to incidents in under resourced crews of three per engine change.

A team of five firefighters is the safe operational standard; three firefighters arriving at an incident are unable to operate breathing apparatus, or to respond to high-risk incidents.

On-call firefighters will continue to attend automatic fire alarms, which have the potential to be life threatening.

One hundred and thirty Staffordshire firefighters signed a letter in opposition to the reduction in crew size, citing concerns that teams of three do not have the capacity to safety respond to high-risk incidents.

Fire Brigades Union Brigade Secretaries statement

Martin Starkey, Fire Brigades Union Brigade Secretary for Staffordshire said: “A crew of three firefighters is fundamentally incapable of safely responding to high-risk incidents upon arrival.

“The public consultation cited to support this reckless policy was deeply flawed, with only 1,500 respondents answering a question deliberately framed to elicit a specific answer. Such a low level of participation cannot be taken as evidence of any meaningful support for this dangerous approach.”

Fire Brigades Union General Secretaries statement

Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union general secretary said: “Firefighters should never be put in the terrible position of waiting at an incident for back-up, unable to take action safely because there are only three in the team. A team of five firefighters is the professional and safe operational level.”

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Services condemned by Fire Brigades Union: Summary

The Fire Brigades Union have called Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Services decision to send three firefighters to an incident a dangerous policy that must be ended immediately.

Brigade Secretary for Staffordshire, Martin Starkey, reiterated the importance of a firefighters safety and how when a fire engine arrives to an incident there is an expectation that the necessary resources will be available. Starkey added that with a limited crew of three, back-up is needed.

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