FPAS scheme extended

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FPA Australia has negotiated with the Building Commission NSW for a one-year extension to the Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme (FPAS) transition period. Additionally, FPA Australia’s approval to act as an accreditation authority under the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018 has been extended until 30 June, 2026.

The extension means all transitional practitioners will have an additional year to complete the training required to transition to qualified accreditation. Once transitioned, practitioners will still need to renew their accreditation and participate in CPD.

Our approach to the Building Commission NSW was based on feedback from members regarding hurdles experienced to achieve the required competencies.
As FPA Australia will not be seeking any further extensions to the FPAS transitional period, to ensure you retain your accreditation moving forward we strongly recommend transitioning to qualified by the new deadline.

FPA Australia recognises the efforts of those who have already attained qualified accreditation. We have revised our FSA and FSD registers to indicate whether a measure/category held by the practitioner is transitional or qualified. We’re also enhancing certificates for qualified practitioners by adding the term “Qualified” and exploring options for providing marketing materials that highlight their qualified accreditation status to clients.

The extension of the approval for FPA Australia to act as an accreditation authority indicates the trust Building Commission NSW has in the Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme and our commitment to professionalism within the industry. We aspire to continue administering the FPAS in NSW as an accreditation authority for many years to come.

For more information, go to www.fpaa.com.au

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