Intelagard, National Foam, and the NVFC team up for giveaway
Iain Hoey
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Intelagard, National Foam, and the NVFC have teamed up to support the volunteer fire service. Through a special giveaway program, nine volunteer fire departments will be awarded a Macaw® compressed air foam system (CAFS) backpack, nozzle kit, five gallons of Knockdown® firefighting foam, and four gallons of EasyDECON® DF200 to assist them in protecting their responders and their community. Each package is valued at $6,500.
The Intelagard Macaw® backpack provides versatile power in a totally independent CAF backpack. More powerful than standard extinguishers, the multipurpose Macaw® can be used for fire suppression, exposure protection, mop-up, hazardous materials cleanup, and decontamination. The Knockdown® foam is a unique environmentally responsible Class A foam concentrate that provides unmatched firefighting performance and flexibility. Knockdown® is specially designed for use in Class A/B foam systems and is excellent for CAFS.
To be eligible to apply, departments must be at least 50 percent volunteer, serve a population of 25,000 or less, have an annual revenue of no more than $250,000, be located in the U.S. and legally organized under state law, and demonstrate a need for the product. The applicant or department chief must be a member of the NVFC; learn about member benefits and join at