NFCC launches Supervisory Leadership Development Programme

Iain Hoey
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The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has launched the Supervisory Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) with 20 free licences available for UK fire and rescue services.
Developed by members of the Supervisory Leadership Development project, in collaboration with CMI (Chartered Management Institute) and led by Project Executive Chris Blacksell, SLDP is a standardised first-line leadership development programme for fire and rescue services.
The SLDP is aligned to the NFCC Leadership Framework, the NFCC Core Learning Pathway, and the Level 3 Apprenticeship Standard – Team Leader or Supervisor.
The programme aims to develop people-focused leaders, who are empowering, collaborative and inclusive in their approach, and is designed for every new, existing, and aspiring supervisory leader across all areas of the UK fire and rescue service, regardless of role, contract type, or location.
As part of a two-year contract with CMI, NFCC is able to offer 20 free licenses per service, per year.
SLDP is a self-directed development programme, accessed through an online portal (NFCC ManagementDirect), and provides 24/7 access to: NFCC Leadership Framework self-assessment, Supervisory Leadership Development Programme, aligned to the NFCC Leadership Framework and NFCC Resource Library, containing over 24,000 high-quality learning materials.
Chris Blacksell, Project Executive and CFO of Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, said: “It has been a pleasure to lead the Supervisory Leadership Development Programme to fruition, and I’d like to thank all those who have helped to develop this important product. It truly has been built by fire sector specialists, for the fire sector.
“The Project Board view first-line leadership as a critical point in an individual’s career where they begin to develop their leadership styles. This programme sets a strong foundation to foster positive behaviours that will remain throughout the leadership pipeline.
“Inclusive in its approach, this programme is designed for existing, new, and aspiring supervisory leaders, regardless of role or contract type, and I’m proud of what we’ve collectively managed to achieve.”
Mark Hardingham, Chair of the NFCC shared his thoughts about the launch: “We know that Leadership is a continual area of focus for fire and rescue services. Leadership programmes enable all colleagues to reach their full leadership potential and provide for excellent fire and rescue services for the public.
“The Supervisory Leadership Development Programme is one initiative from the NFCC’s Leadership Programme which helps to address these recommendations by unlocking and nurturing talent across all FRS staff.
“Together with other workstreams being delivered by the Leadership Programme, such as the Core Code of Ethics, the Coaching and Mentoring Portal, the Talent Management Toolkit and Direct Entry Scheme, we have a strong offering for UK fire and rescue services to support them in identifying and developing excellent future leaders.”