Quelfire launches passive fire protection for service penetrations in buildings training
Iain Hoey
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Quelfire, a leading provider of passive fire protection solutions, has announced the availability of their CPD training titled “Effective Passive Fire Protection for Service Penetrations in Buildings”. This training is intended to raise awareness and educate the construction industry about the importance of passive fire protection.
The CPD certified training is aimed primarily at specifiers, architects, designers, contractors, project managers, consultants, and surveyors. The training emphasises the importance of early engagement in ensuring compliant installations and effective design and specification of complete firestopping systems.
In addition, the training provides an overview of available solutions and what to look for to ensure suitability and compliance. The training is held by one of Quelfire’s fire containment specialists and typically lasts between 45 to 60 minutes.
The live presentation is mostly delivered virtually via Zoom or MS Teams and is offered to architect practices, main contractors, and other organisations that can bring in at least 10-12 participants to the training. To request a dedicated CPD, interested parties can complete the form on Quelfire’s website.
Quelfire is also delivering the same CPD training as an open webinar on the second Tuesday of every month. Interested participants can sign up on their website.
Quelfire said it is committed to educating the construction industry about the importance of passive fire protection solutions and helping to ensure safer building environments.
For those looking to register click this link.