Safe Fleet to donate KN95 masks to first responders

Iain Hoey
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Safe Fleet will donate tens of thousands of KN95 masks to fire departments and law enforcement agencies across the US.
“In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to show our support and care for our extended First Responder family,” explained John Knox, Safe Fleet’s Chairman & CEO.
“Since we are in the business of supplying fleet safety equipment to help protect the lives of firefighters, law enforcement officers, bus drivers, and commercial vehicle operators, we used our strong existing global supply chain to quickly source and secure shipment of the masks.”
The protective masks will be shipped to Safe Fleet’s Long Island and Houston facilities and then distributed to first responders that expressed an urgent need to replenish their mask supplies.
Thousand of KN95 masks to be donated
Safe Fleet previously donated 800 surgical masks they had on hand at their Belton, MO facility to the local Belton fire department, Belton Missouri Police Department, and Belton Regional Medical Center.
“Keeping people safe is in our DNA,” adds Knox. “It’s why we exist as a company. It’s not surprising that our employees would think first of how we could find new ways to help keep people safe on the front lines of this pandemic.
“We will continue to look at additional solutions and capacity to support those facing the pandemic and to help keep fleets transporting essential workers and delivering essential goods on the road safely.”