See how technology and training are transforming fire & rescue services

Iain Hoey
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Vehicle technology and innovation will feature strongly at The Emergency Services Show this autumn, with leading names in fire appliances and connectivity showcasing their latest developments. Visitors to the Show (taking place at the NEC, Birmingham on 7 and 8 September) can build on their learning and development through over 80 free CPD seminar sessions, and watch skills in action as fire & rescue teams from across the UK compete in the The Extrication and Trauma Challenge.
Firefighter health and wellbeing is also high on the agenda with experts speaking on issues such as PTSD and nutrition, while around the exhibition, visitors can see and handle the latest PPE innovations and discuss their training requirements with over 450 companies and organisations.
Emergency One will premiere its new E1 EV0, an all-electric, zero emission, full UK-specification fire & rescue pumping appliance and the world’s first all-electric pumping appliance. The operational service-ready model features a 280kWH battery pack and a 200-mile driving range.
Building on the success of its Concept Fire Truck (CFT), Rosenbauer will be showcasing its four new firefighting vehicles, known as Revolutionary Technology (RT), Advanced Technology (AT) Compact Technology (CT) and Modular Technology (MT). The RT features an electric drive system that delivers an emission-free and virtually silent drive.
Recognising the major challenges for the sector, such as different deployment models, control rooms, IT and infrastructure; exhibitors such as APD Communications, Excelerate and Hexagon will be showcasing their ICT applications and connectivity solutions.
The Emerging Technologies Theatre, sponsored by MSA Safety, will explore how fire & rescue services can use data and technology more efficiently, with a particular focus on overcoming the organisational challenges presented by the pandemic.
There will be an update on the progress of the Emergency Services Network, explaining what is being done to address issues such as blackspots, and a panel debate with techUK on how the industry and emergency services are using new technologies and data sharing to transform the lives through collaboration. Patrique Zaman, CEO of Avy will show how drones are being used both for wildfire prevention and in supporting rescue efforts. Meanwhile in the Learning & Development Theatre, there will be a session on planning for a nuclear disaster, and London Fire Brigade will share their experiences of using fire escape hoods to rescue people.
In the dedicated Health & Wellbeing Seminar Theatre, sponsored by MSA Safety, Greg Lesson from London Fire Brigade will talk about the work he has been doing on nutrition and diet to help maintain firefighters in peak physical and mental shape. People services’ experts Rego will be discussing transforming workplace culture, The Eleos Partnership will be sharing tips on reducing the impacts of stress and pressure, and PTSD999 will talk about the benefits of trauma response training.
Diversity in the fire & rescue service will be covered by Jenny Pollock and Emma Shute from the organisation Women to Work. They will share their experiences of working with South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue to overcome the barriers to women’s progression in the service, enabling them to maximise their potential.
In the main exhibition, visitors with an interest in wellbeing can speak to safety technology experts MSA Safety about their campaign to protect firefighters’ health, while all the leading PPE suppliers will be showcasing their latest product ranges, including Avon Fire Protection, Delta Fire, Draeger, FlamePro, Godiva and Interspiro.
In the networking hub of the show, The Collaboration Zone, over 80 emergency services, voluntary groups, charities and NGOs will be sharing details of the support they offer. Organisations involved include The Firefighters Charity, British Cave Rescue Council, Institution of Fire Engineers, British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association, British Fire Services Association, Fire Aid and Highways England.
The Extrication and Trauma Challenge hosted by West Midlands Fire Service and judged by the UKRO (also exhibiting) will run on both days of the show. Visitors can get close to action and immerse in the high intensity atmosphere of a road collision incident. Teams will test their skills on first aid and trauma care, road traffic accident extrication, casualty care and more.
Virtual reality will feature heavily again this year with the likes of SimTrainer demonstrating simulated fire & rescue training exercises on their stands. Other leading training providers exhibiting include The Simulation Centre (Coventry University Enterprises Limited), Technical Rescue International and Emergency Response Driver Training Ltd. Visitors can also discuss the rescue techniques – including water rescue – with equipment providers such as Reach & Rescue, Rigloo, Fire Ladders, Lyon Equipment, Survitec and WRS International, while Angloco will be demonstrating the Bronco sky lift in the outside exhibition area.
The Emergency Services Show will be co-located with The Safety & Security Event Series including The Fire Safety Event, The Health & Safety Event, The Facilities Event, The Security Event and National Cyber Security Show.
The Fire Safety Event has grown to be biggest event for the sector in the UK. With major lessons being learnt from Grenfell, improving and maintaining the highest standard of fire safety management has never been more important. Regulatory updates and legislation will be covered in the seminar programme and over 150 exhibitors will be showcasing the latest fire prevention and protection products and solutions.
Topics covered in the Fire Safety theatre include implications of the new Building Safety Bill; protecting historic premises from fire; passive fire protection; the new Fire Safety Bill; sprinklers; fire detection systems; ensuring safe evacuation and managing fire risk. The theatre will also host the second meeting of the Women in Fire group.
The NEC Venue Protect programme ensures all participants enjoy a COVID-safe and secure visit with comprehensive social distancing measures and enhanced cleaning and sanitisation.
Parking at the NEC for show visitors is free. Register in advance for free entry to all six events with a single pass at:
The Emergency Services Show will take place at the NEC Birmingham 7-8 September 2021