The Last Word with Jim Everett, President of the Performance Advantage Company

Iain Hoey
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What is your role at Performance Advantage Company?
As President of the company, I directly oversee all phases of the PAC operation which includes sales and marketing, financial management, engineering, human resources, and all phases of shop operations. In other words, the buck stops with me. While we have a great staff of professionals here PAC, it is my responsibility to keep steering the ship in the right direction, and I do this by making sure or customers are getting the value and service they deserve.
Why are tool mounts important for firefighters?
When we look at the development of tool mounts, we look to have every product evaluated on the following criteria: organization, accessibility, protection against loss or damage, and value. These four principal areas directly affect a firefighter’s ability to properly fulfil their responsibility when called to action. Minutes count when it comes to life or death and PAC is committed to producing the best alternative in properly and effectively mounting tools and equipment so firefighters can react effectively at moment’s notice.
Have you noticed any interesting trends in the tool mounting market?
Tool and equipment manufacturers are constantly improving their products either through modification or by introducing new concepts. To properly meet the mounting needs with these changes, PAC has to adopt that same approach. Everything from simple hand tools like sledgehammers and entry tools to constantly changing designs in heavy rescue equipment keeps us looking at our design improvements or the development of new products.
How would you evaluate the past year for your company?
From the standpoint of sales and overall demand for our products, the past year has been excellent. Availability of materials and the ever-rising cost of those materials is the biggest challenge we face on a week to week, month to month basis. Logistics are also a concern when it comes to addressing the needs of our customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. Shipping related costs have continued rise as well. Every expense is elevated today, and as a result, we are constantly looking at every opportunity to create cost savings that can be passed on to our customers. Through all this we still stand on our core values as a company when it comes to backing up what we manufacture with a limited lifetime warranty, offering the absolute best in customer service, and offering additional services to our customers.
What plans does PAC have for the future?
One of our biggest efforts is going to be broadening our exposure in the fire and emergency services industry on a global basis. We have great distributors internationally, but we need to develop additional sources of distribution in areas around the world where PAC is not as well known. In addition, we are adding people and resources within the company to not only maintain, but to continuously improve our ability to answer the needs of our customers. There are things we are doing internally that will enhance our service to our customers that will not necessarily require additional cost to those customers. Increasing the value of PAC as the solution to the needs of our customers is a majority.