CTIF commissions discuss future plans and leadership elections in virtual meetings

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CTIF fire prevention commission sets future agenda

The Fire Prevention Commission of the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) held a virtual meeting on 31 May 2024, attended by seven participants from four member countries, as reported by CTIF.

During the meeting, participants agreed on the necessity of electing a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary to restore the commission’s functionality.

Martin Nekula, the Vice-President of CTIF, proposed that potential candidates submit their CVs in preparation for the next meeting, where the elections will take place.

The attendees also decided to establish a space for sharing data, documents, and information.

The main topics discussed included photovoltaic systems, batteries, battery storage preventive measures, fire safety in “green” buildings, and the impact of climate change on fire safety.

The commission agreed to hold another virtual meeting by the end of this year and an in-person meeting next year.

Tunnel fire working group discusses high-speed rail and new technologies

The Tunnel Fire Working Group of the CTIF held a virtual meeting on 30 May 2024, attended by nine participants from seven member countries.

Martin Nekula opened the meeting, welcoming the participants and proposing the election of a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary.

Participants discussed various topics, including high-speed rail regulations, current approaches to risk assessment in tunnels, new road and rail tunnel firefighting capabilities, and the development of new solutions through EU projects.

A space for sharing data, documents, and information was agreed upon, with plans for another virtual meeting by the end of the year and an in-person meeting next year.

Fire investigation working group focuses on statistical data and new technologies

The Fire Investigation Working Group of the CTIF held a virtual meeting on 22 May 2024, attended by ten participants from seven member countries.

Martin Nekula opened the meeting, proposing elections for a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary.

Key topics included statistical data on fatalities and fires, accelerator detection, the impact of new building constructions on fire resistance, and visualisation tools for presenting and recording investigations.

The group decided to create a shared space for data and documents and planned another virtual meeting by the end of the year, with an in-person meeting next year.

Importance of restoring CTIF commissions

The CTIF president, Milan Dubravac, emphasised the significance of restoring these commissions, which have been highly active and effective in the past.

He stated: “The restoration of these commissions is very important.” The commissions will inform all member countries about their activities and request nominations for members to represent them.

Each country will suggest priorities to ensure the outputs of the commissions are useful.

The creation of a database of contacts for commission members was also proposed.

Future plans and collaboration opportunities

The commissions agreed on the importance of establishing a platform for sharing knowledge, information, and documents.

This platform will be based on non-conflict software accessible in all member countries.

The next steps include electing the chairman and secretary for each commission.

The Fire Prevention Commission, Tunnel Fire Working Group, and Fire Investigation Working Group will continue to address various fire safety challenges through virtual and in-person meetings.

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