Fire Sector Federation introduces comprehensive model for fire safety

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The Fire Sector Federation has recently published a blog post entitled “Defining the Fire Safety Landscape,” which introduces a novel ‘Fire Chain’ model.

This model is a significant step in the sector’s effort to comprehensively address fire safety in the UK, especially in light of the impending recommendations from the Grenfell Inquiry.

Exploring the ‘Fire Chain’ model

The ‘Fire Chain’ model conceptualised by the Fire Sector Federation represents a significant shift in addressing fire safety.

This model comprises eight interconnected links, each representing a critical aspect of fire safety.

The first link, Policy, emphasises the government’s role in setting a policy direction to ensure societal safety.

The second link, Design, focuses on embedding fire safety in the design process, moving away from treating it as an afterthought or a hindrance to good design.

The third link, Approvals, reflects the need to ensure safety standards in products and competencies in personnel.

Construction, the fourth link, is one of the most complex, demanding adherence to the aspirations of the Hackitt report and a collective approach towards a fire-safe built environment.

The fifth link deals with the occupation of buildings, acknowledging the dynamic nature of building use and occupant behaviour.

The sixth link recognises the need for a well-trained and equipped fire and rescue service, while the seventh, Investigation, focuses on learning from fire incidents.

The final link, Recovery and Rebuild, goes beyond rebuilding structures to restoring community fabric post-major fire events.

National strategy for fire safety

Earlier, the Fire Sector Federation launched an initiative advocating for a National Strategy for Fire Safety, as reported on October 25, 2022.

This strategy aims to go beyond current legislative measures, focusing on raising competency, mitigating risks in specific building types, and raising awareness about potential risks from new products and methodologies​​​​.

Involvement of industry leaders and strategy board

The initiative involves collaboration with industry leaders and the establishment of the Fire Safety Strategy Board, chaired by Jonathan O’Neill.

The board includes experts from diverse sectors, including fire safety, construction, and building control.

It aims to create a unified voice in managing fire risk and defining a pathway to improved fire safety.

IFSJ Comment

The Fire Sector Federation’s ‘Fire Chain’ model and the initiative for a National Strategy for Fire Safety represent a paradigm shift in the approach to fire safety in the UK.

This holistic strategy, necessitating collaboration across various sectors, is pivotal in proactively addressing fire risks rather than reacting post-tragedy.

The ‘Fire Chain’ model, in particular, provides a structured framework that touches upon every aspect of fire safety, from policy and design to investigation and recovery.

Such an approach is crucial for an integrated and effective fire safety strategy, ensuring a resilient, fire-safe society.

The involvement of a diverse group of experts and industry leaders underlines the commitment to a collaborative approach, essential for addressing the dynamic challenges in fire safety.

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