Global flood response strategies at International Floodfighters Conference 2024 in the UK

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Floodfighters Conference: Engaging with the floodfighting community

The International Floodfighters Conference 2024 is inviting delegates from various disciplines to engage with fellow floodfighters and the small search and rescue (SAR) craft-focused flood and water rescuer community.

The event will be held on August 6th and 7th in Poole, United Kingdom, and will bring together partner emergency services and responder units from the UK and beyond to address the challenges posed by extreme weather conditions.

Background and philosophy of the conference

The conference builds on nearly two decades of events held across the UK, Europe, Australia, and the USA, initiated by the Flood Response Research Project Team.

These events have focused on advancing tactics and training for swiftwater and flood response strategies.

They aim to develop and share vital flood response and major incident management principles to help save lives and protect communities from the threats posed by flooding.

Event structure and highlights

Day one of the conference will take place in the Waterside Room at the Royal National Lifeboat Institution College, known for its world-leading search and rescue training.

The day will include a keynote address from Dr Paddy Morgan MD (TBC) and be chaired by Emeritus Fire Chief Roy Harold.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leaders in the field, engage in discussions, and access an online repository of information for future reference.

The day will feature technical and tactical updates, case studies, vendor exhibitions, and networking opportunities.

Hands-on learning and equipment demonstrations

The second day, August 7th, will be held at MDL Cobbs Quay Marina.

This day will focus on SAR-related workshops and equipment demonstrations, offering delegates experiential learning opportunities.

Sessions will include classroom learning, practical demonstrations on the pontoon, and on-water exercises in Poole Harbour.

Delegates will pre-book and follow a set stream for the day in small groups, ensuring a comprehensive and interactive learning experience.

IFSJ Comment

The International Floodfighters Conference 2024 presents a vital opportunity for professionals involved in flood response and water rescue operations to come together and share knowledge.

The event’s emphasis on both theoretical and practical learning ensures that delegates gain a well-rounded understanding of the latest techniques and equipment in the field.

The inclusion of case studies and tactical updates provides valuable insights into current capabilities and future needs, fostering a collaborative environment where experts can contribute to improving flood response strategies globally.

By maintaining an online repository of the information shared, the conference ensures that lessons learned are preserved and accessible for future reference, supporting ongoing efforts to mitigate the impact of flooding on communities.

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