Grenfell Tower illumination to mark sixth anniversary
Iain Hoey
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As we approach the sixth anniversary of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the community will take the lead in the commemoration events. Local residents should expect to see an increased number of visitors in the tower vicinity, as people gather to pay their respects.
In a poignant symbol of remembrance, Grenfell Tower will glow green from 8pm on 13th June to 6am on 14th June, and again from 8pm to 11pm on 14th June.
Debate in the House of Commons
Later this month, MPs will gather in the House of Commons for a significant debate marking the six years since the disaster. The discussion will focus on Grenfell’s legacy, and the government’s response concerning social housing and building safety. The specific date for this debate will be announced soon and those interested can watch the proceedings online.
Traffic monitoring and the future memorial
In the last week of June, temporary CCTV cameras will be installed around the tower site to gather data on pedestrian and traffic movements. The Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission is undertaking this task to plan for a future memorial.
Data collection will commence from 29th June until 2nd July, after which the equipment will be removed. Any changes to this plan will be communicated promptly.
Maintaining the site
Regular maintenance and safety checks are carried out by the tower site contractors, DUK. This includes ensuring the integrity of the tower’s metal supports, hoardings, lighting and security systems, and scaffolding.
In addition, routine air quality monitoring around the tower site continues, with the UK Health Security Agency taking over from Public Health England for this purpose. The monitoring results for this month are available on the government website.
Support for the community
Local opportunities, including employment, training, and practical support, are available via the tower site’s principal contractor, DUK. The Lancaster West Estate refurbishment’s next phase is also underway, with more details available online.
The local NHS service continues to provide physical and mental health support for the community members affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy. This includes specialised assistance for children and young people.
The future of Grenfell Tower
The future of the Grenfell Tower remains a matter of discussion, with no final decision made as yet. Further community engagement is planned to ensure that all voices are heard before a conclusion is reached.