IDEX AND NVFC partner for free FDIC sessions

Iain Hoey
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NVFC partner IDEX Fire and Safety is hosting two free sessions at FDIC on August 5 and 6 for the volunteer fire service. The Thursday session will feature an NVFC representative as a panelist, and IDEX will be giving out free NVFC memberships at the Friday session.
Both sessions will take place at the IDEX booth 1823.
Thursday, August 5, 2pm
Challenges & Opportunities Volunteer Departments Face
This session discusses the unique challenges and opportunities that are specific to volunteer departments. Learn best practices for volunteer departments in the areas of recruiting, automation and technology, funding, and fire ground safety.
With guests:
- Gale Blumenkamp, Boone County Fire Protection District, West Columbia, MO
- Kenny Krieg, Pattonville Fire Protection District, Bridgeton, MO
- Chief Dallas Terrell, Wooster Township Fire & Rescue, Wooster, OH
- Sheri Nickel, Orlando Volunteer Fire Department, Orlando, OK, and OK director to the National Volunteer Fire Council
Friday, August 6, 11:30 am – 12:15 pm
Volunteer VIP Tour
For volunteers that are specing a truck, meet IDEX leadership along with an up-close, hands-on presentation to look at new technology that can help volunteer fire departments. To celebrate IDEX’s partnership with the NVFC, the first 20 people that sign up for the session at the IDEX booth will also get a year membership with NVFC.