Principal Designer Building Regulations Register launched by APS in England

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APS announces new register for principal designers

The Association for Project Safety (APS) has announced the launch of its Principal Designer Building Regulations (PDBR) Register.

This initiative aims to enable practitioners to formally demonstrate their competence in fulfilling the newly established duty-holder role under the Amended Building Regulations England, in line with PAS 8671.

As reported by the Association for Project Safety, the introduction of the PDBR Register sets a new benchmark for professional standards within the industry.

The register will serve as a definitive resource for identifying qualified Principal Designers, ensuring they meet the rigorous standards required to uphold the safety, compliance, and integrity of construction projects.

Benefits of the APS PDBR Register

The APS PDBR Register offers several key benefits.

Practitioners listed on the register have undergone stringent assessment processes, confirming their capability to perform the Principal Designer role as mandated by the updated Building Regulations.

This demonstrated competence provides a reliable validation of their skills.

Additionally, clients can confidently demonstrate adherence to their legal obligations by employing professionals from the APS PDBR Register.

This ensures compliance with the amended regulations, providing enhanced safety and compliance within the construction sector.

Enhancing safety and compliance in construction

The overarching goal of the amended Building Regulations and PAS 8671 is to enhance safety and compliance within the construction sector.

The PDBR Register supports this goal, ultimately contributing to the welfare of the public and the quality of the built environment.

Mark Snelling, APS President, stated: “The launch of the Principal Designer Building Regulations Register is a pivotal step towards reinforcing the competence and accountability of professionals within our industry.

“It not only provides a reliable means for practitioners to validate their skills but also offers clients peace of mind in meeting their statutory duties.”

Applications now open for APS PDBR Register

The APS PDBR Register is now open for applications, providing an essential tool for both practitioners and clients.

For more information on how to become listed or to find a qualified Principal Designer, please visit the APS website at

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