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The Last Word with Fire Dept. Coffee

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Luke Schneider, Founder and CEO of Fire Dept. Coffee talks giving back to the firefighter and first responder communities

What is you connection to the fire sector?

I served four years as a shipboard firefighter in the Navy, working on various firefighting systems on an assault ship and an aircraft carrier.

After leaving the Navy, I aimed to become a firefighter and tested for fire departments.

I joined the Rockford, Illinois Fire Department, a busy unit in a city of 150,000 people.

My role involved maintenance, training, and supervising, and I also obtained a paramedic license.

What was your incentive to start Fire Dept. Coffee?

My incentive to start Fire Dept. Coffee stemmed from my passion for coffee and the desire to support firefighters and first responders.

My wife, a barista, and I began roasting coffee together, creating a unique fire department blend.

Launching the company in 2016, we aimed to build a community and give back, especially to those sick or injured in the line of duty.

This led to the establishment of the Fire Department Coffee Charitable Foundation.

Our team, composed of active and retired firefighters and first responders, maintains a strong sense of camaraderie and purpose, mirroring the fire service culture.

Our growth from a small strip mall to continuous operation reflects our commitment to this mission and the sense of community we foster.

Can you tell me about the fire department clubs?

Our Fire Department clubs initiative, launched with Green Bay Metro Fire Department, involves creating custom designs and coffee blends for different departments.

We sell these special coffee bags and shirts, donating $2 per bag and $5 per shirt to department members who are sick or injured.

Customers can also make additional donations at checkout. This collaborative effort raises awareness about departments and honours firefighters.

For example, we recently collaborated with Metro Dade firefighters for a “Salty Flamingo” theme for shirts and a Colombian coffee blend.

What makes a good coffee to you?

Good coffee is characterised by its freshness and craftsmanship.

We roast each type of bean individually in small batches, ensuring the best flavour profile.

Specialty grade, high-quality beans are key.

I prefer a developed, medium roast, avoiding sour or ashy flavours.

Consistency is crucial; each batch should taste the same.

Strict quality controls and quality assurance, including colour reading and profile tracking, are essential.

Finally, the grind is important; we use high-quality grinders for optimal taste, as inconsistent grinds from inadequate equipment can affect flavour extraction.

Can you tell me about your crew rewards programme?

Our Crew Rewards program incentivises continued shopping by offering various perks and gifts.

Customers earn points with each purchase, which can be redeemed for items like tumblers, shirts, or coffee.

The more points they accumulate, the more they can redeem.

We strongly recommend signing up for this rewards program to make the most of these points during purchases.

What is your vision for the future of Fire Dept. coffee?

Our vision for Fire Dept. Coffee is to continue growing, expanding distribution, and innovating new products, like our proprietary spirit-infused coffee and upcoming instant coffee plus protein.

We aim to serve our customers with great products and service, which in turn allows us to give back to our local and fire communities, supporting first responders in various ways.

Our focus is on building community and maintaining a mission-driven approach, ensuring customer satisfaction with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

This article was originally published in the December 2023 issue of International Fire & Safety Journal. To read your FREE digital copy, click here.

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