The Last Word with TLX Fire & Security

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Patrick Schwobe, Principal Engineer, Advanced Product Development at TLX Fire & Security talks about the new Liquid Level Sensor

Could you introduce us to TLX’s Liquid Level Sensor?

The development of TLX’s Liquid Level Sensor was initiated in response to our customers’ requests for a more reliable and precise method of measuring the weight of clean agent in their tanks.

The sensor functions by monitoring the foam’s position inside the tank, as well as the temperature.

Utilising this data, it can accurately determine and report the weight of the agent.

For instance, if there’s a 5% reduction in the agent, the sensor detects it and triggers an alarm.

This early warning system facilitates prompt intervention to address any issues, enhancing overall safety and efficiency.

The agent in question is a liquid when under pressure, and thus, the sensor floats within it.

Temperature variations in the surrounding environment, such as an increase in warmth, can cause thermal expansion of this liquid, resulting in a rise in its level.

Conversely, a drop in temperature can lead to a decrease in the level.

These fluctuations often lead to potential issues, such as false alarms indicating a loss of agent.

However, because our sensor monitors temperature changes, it can accurately discern between genuine agent loss and mere temperature-induced level variations, thereby reducing the likelihood of false alarms.

How does the Liquid Level Sensor fit into your existing portfolio?

Our portfolio already includes various accessories for fire suppression systems.

Among these, we have an accessory that provides valuable additional data points for our customers, offering insights into the health of their system.

This new product enhances our existing offerings by providing a more reliable alternative to the current industry-standard method, known as the dip tape.

The dip tape, essentially a tape measure, is manually operated and can yield subjective readings, varying with different operators.

In contrast, our product offers a more objective and consistent approach to measuring, thereby ensuring more accurate and reliable data for our customers.

With the level sensor, we’re equipped to detect even minor leaks, including micro leaks, providing earlier warnings.

This early detection capability potentially prevents the need for taking the tank offline, allowing it to remain operational.

Depending on the nature and location of the leak, it can often be rectified on-site, thereby reducing additional maintenance costs.

This feature enhances the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of our system for the users.

What issue does this product address?

The fire suppression market is increasingly seeking more comprehensive data.

Traditional methods, such as manual checks which might occur as infrequently as every six months, are being overshadowed by the need for continuous monitoring.

This product meets that demand by offering the capability for constant surveillance.

Alternatively, it can be configured to check the system once daily, especially if set up with a battery.

This approach enables early detection of issues, allowing for the data to be integrated into a dashboard for the customer.

This provides a more holistic view of the system’s health, moving away from reactive methods to a more proactive and data-informed management of fire suppression systems.

This article was originally published in the February 2024 issue of International Fire & Safety Journal. To read your FREE digital copy, click here.

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