Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority appoints first woman chair

Iain Hoey
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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority have appointed a new chair and vice chair at their first meeting since the latest round of council elections.
Councillor Edna Murphy has been appointed the new chair of the authority, with Councillor Mohammed Jamil appointed vice chair. Liberal Democrat councillor Murphy, who has recently joined the authority, is the first woman chair in the authority’s history. She takes over from Councillor Kevin Reynolds, who remains on the authority after chairing it for the last four years.
New vice chair Councillor Jamil, from Peterborough City Council, has served on the authority for almost a decade. The Labour councillor has been involved in a number of committees, as well as the Service’s Inclusion Steering Group.
Councillor Murphy said: “I am delighted to have been voted in as Chair of the Authority and am very proud to be the first woman ever to hold the position. The Service is demonstrating that it is a progressive and inclusive organisation, which are features I am keen to continue to build on.
“It is a very challenging time for the Service as we work to come out of the pandemic. But I am confident that with the strong team in place it will continue to provide an excellent service to the people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
“I would like to express my gratitude to Cllr Reynolds for his hard work and dedication to the Service, and add my voice to the thanks offered to him by all members of the Fire Authority at the meeting.”
Councillor Mohammed Jamil added: “I am very pleased to be appointed as vice chair of the authority. Having served on the authority for a number of years, I am proud to take on the role and look forward to working with the new chair to ensure we continue to be a welcoming and inclusive organisation.”
Chief Fire Officer Chris Strickland said: “We welcome councillors Murphy and Jamil to their new roles on the authority and I am looking forward to working with them and the rest of the authority.”
The appointments were confirmed at the Fire Authority meeting, which took place on Wednesday June 23. Footage of the meeting is available below: