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Draft digital and cyber security fire standard open for public consultation

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Digital and cyber security fire standard consultation now open

The Fire Standards Board has officially released the draft Digital and Cyber Security Fire Standard for public consultation.

Developed by a collaboration of subject matter experts, including Fire and Rescue Service ICT Managers, Home Office specialists, and representatives from the National Fire Chiefs Council Digital, Technology and Cyber Board, the standard aims to enhance digital safety within fire and rescue services.

The Board seeks comprehensive feedback from all Fire and Rescue Services, to whom the standard will directly apply, as well as from other stakeholders through an online consultation questionnaire.

The deadline for submitting feedback is Monday, 17 June 2024.

How to participate in the consultation

Stakeholders wishing to participate in the consultation are provided with a consultation pack, which includes the draft standard and a set of questions that can be reviewed in advance.

Responses can be entered online, and while it is not mandatory to answer all questions, contributions from areas of personal interest or expertise are welcomed.

When ready, respondents can begin the consultation survey, which has been designed to collect a wide range of views on the proposed standard.

What happens next?

Following the consultation period, all feedback will be considered, and any significant revisions to the standard may prompt a further consultation phase.

Ultimately, the standard will undergo a quality assurance process before being formally proposed for approval by the Fire Standards Board.

If further information is needed during the consultation process, participants can contact the Fire Standards Board via the provided email: [email protected].

Considerations and notes

It is noted that some hyperlinks within the draft standard or to other guidance sections may not function until publication.

The draft also includes pertinent legislation, allowing for suggestions on any additional legal considerations during the consultation.

IFSJ comment

The draft Digital and Cyber Security Fire Standard represents a proactive approach by the Fire Standards Board to address the specific needs of digital safety within the fire and rescue community.

This consultation process demonstrates the Board’s commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement in developing standards that are both effective and practical.

By incorporating feedback from a broad spectrum of experts and stakeholders, the Board ensures that the final standards will be well-rounded and robust, reflecting the latest in digital safety requirements and best practices.

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