Luminite introduces battery-powered sounder enhancing fire door security solutions


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Fire door alarm advancement by Luminite

Luminite, known for their expertise in PIR detection and wireless alert systems, has unveiled a battery-powered sounder.

Designed and manufactured in the UK, this new offering is aimed at boosting security by serving as an additional deterrent against intruders.

Sounder features: enhancing security for fire doors and more

The sounder is powered by four 1.5v batteries and can produce an alarm sound reaching up to 117 decibels.

It provides users with 32 distinct alarm sounds and comes with an accompanying beacon available in either red or blue colours.

Post-activation, a built-in adjustable timer ensures the sounder is silenced.

Moreover, this device can be integrated with any alarm system with volt free contacts. It can be utilised for panic alarms, fire door alarms, or even as a part of larger security setups like with the OCULi PIR Camera.

Graham Creek, Managing Director at Luminite, stated: “We constantly pursue innovations addressing challenges faced by installers, especially in locations where power might be an issue.

“The mere sight of cameras and PIRs isn’t always enough nowadays. By activating the LGSOUNDER immediately upon PIR triggering, intruders are instantly made aware of their detection.

“This immediate feedback helps reduce potential thefts and property damages.”

IFSJ Comment

The advancement of security solutions, particularly pertaining to fire doors, is always a noteworthy development in the safety sector.

Luminite’s introduction of a battery-powered sounder, with its array of features, represents a tangible step forward in deterring unauthorised entries.

With intruders increasingly undeterred by standard surveillance methods, this tool offers an added layer of protection.

Especially in locations where consistent power supply can be a concern, such innovations present effective solutions.

The integration ability with various alarm systems further adds to its versatility, making it a valuable addition for both residential and commercial premises.

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