Matt Wrack takes on role as new TUC President

Iain Hoey
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Matt Wrack, the current general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, has been elected the new President of the Trades Union Congress (TUC).
He is set to serve in this role for one year, taking the helm for the TUC Congress in September 2024.
Wrack will also lead the TUC’s general council and executive committee.
Matt Wrack’s perspective on current union challenges
Following his election, Wrack said: “On behalf of firefighters, I am proud to be taking up the role of TUC President at what will be a decisive moment for the trade union movement, in the wake of an inspiring wave of industrial action across the economy.”
Addressing the economic hardships facing workers, he highlighted that the “cost of living crisis is a war by the ultra-rich on workers.”
Noting the discrepancy between soaring profits and declining wages, he added: “While profits and inflation have soared, workers are being hit with falling wages, crumbling public services and yet more austerity.”
Commenting on the government’s stance on the matter he said: “Rather than address the crisis, this government for the billionaires is relying on a toxic cocktail of authoritarianism, bigotry and attacks on our right to strike.”
As TUC President, Wrack said he aims to “support the development of a movement that can defeat this authoritarian war on workers and win the repeal of all the anti-union laws.”
TUC’s response to new anti-union laws
Wrack’s ascendancy to the presidential role followed a recent vote at the TUC congress.
They chose a strategy of non-compliance and non-cooperation in response to the government’s introduction of new anti-union laws.
A clear message from Wrack was his statement that “austerity wearing a different colour rosette is still austerity,” cautioning politicians: “if they fail workers, they will face a determined, mobilised trade union movement.”
This sentiment mirrors his recent call for a “determined, mobilised trade union movement” highlighted on the FBU’s official website.