New maps reveal updated electrical inspections regimes in the EU


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Overview of the updated electrical inspections regimes in the EU

FEEDS, a prominent European organisation, has unveiled an updated version of its reference document titled “Domestic Electrical Inspections Regimes In The EU”.

Published in January 2024, this revised edition includes comprehensive information about the electrical inspections regimes in EU countries and extends its scope to non-EU nations such as Norway, Switzerland, and the UK.`

Key updates in the new edition

The updated document highlights the revised procedures for the initial verification of domestic electrical installations and the inspections of existing domestic electrical installations.

The report, downloadable from the FEEDS website, provides detailed information specific to each country.

Despite the updates, the overall conclusion drawn from the document remains consistent with previous editions.

It indicates significant variances in practices across different countries and acknowledges the ongoing need for improvements in domestic electrical inspections.

Importance of the new EPBD implementation

The new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) implementation is cited as a crucial opportunity for Member States to develop more effective domestic electrical inspections regimes.

This development is seen as a step towards enhancing safety standards across the EU.

FEEDS expressed gratitude towards EuropeOn for their assistance in improving the mapping.

The organisation also invites contributions from individuals or entities with relevant information, especially regarding countries where data is currently lacking.

IFSJ Comment

The latest update from FEEDS on the electrical inspections regimes within the EU, including non-EU neighbours, represents a significant stride towards harmonising safety standards across Europe.

The inclusion of detailed maps and country-specific information provides valuable insights for policymakers, industry professionals, and public safety advocates.

The emphasis on the new EPBD implementation as a catalyst for improving domestic electrical inspections underlines the ongoing efforts to enhance building safety and energy efficiency.

As the landscape of electrical safety continues to evolve, such comprehensive documentation plays a pivotal role in guiding future developments and ensuring the wellbeing of European residents.

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