Jordanian firefighting helicopters bolster Cyprus’ wildfire readiness


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Reinforcing wildfire firefighting capabilities

As reported by Philenews, Cyprus has enhanced its firefighting resources with the arrival of two Jordanian firefighting helicopters and an 18-member crew.

This strategic deployment aims to strengthen the island’s firefighting capabilities in preparation for the upcoming fire season.

The helicopters and crew, which arrived in Paphos a week ago, have completed extensive preparation and familiarisation exercises.

Fully briefed on the local terrain, they are now ready to support firefighting operations across Cyprus.

Aerial firefighting fleet augmentation

The Jordanian mission is part of an effort to augment the Republic of Cyprus’ aerial firefighting fleet.

This temporary reinforcement will remain until additional aircraft, to be leased by Cyprus, become available.

Maria Panayiotou, Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environment, stated: “The cooperation includes provisions for at least one aircraft from each service to be on standby 24/7, with an impressive response time of approximately 30 minutes.”

Ground forces and additional support

In addition to the aerial assets, Cyprus has strengthened its ground firefighting forces.

The Forestry Department has been fully operational since April 1, marking an earlier readiness compared to previous years.

The Fire Service, Civil Defence, District Administrations, and the Game and Fauna Service are also on high alert.

Cyprus is actively engaging with neighbouring and other nations to secure further firefighting assets if necessary.

This collaborative effort ensures a comprehensive approach to fire prevention and suppression across the island.

IFSJ comment

The deployment of Jordanian firefighting helicopters to Cyprus is a proactive measure aimed at enhancing the island’s wildfire management capabilities.

By integrating aerial assets and reinforcing ground forces, Cyprus is taking significant steps to mitigate the risk of wildfires during the critical fire season.

The immediate readiness of the Jordanian helicopters and crew underscores the importance of international cooperation in emergency response.

This initiative not only provides additional resources but also facilitates the sharing of expertise and best practices between nations.

The commitment of Cyprus to maintain at least one aircraft on standby 24/7 with a swift response time of 30 minutes highlights the emphasis on rapid intervention.

The early operational readiness of the Forestry Department and the heightened alert status of various services further demonstrate a robust, coordinated effort to protect the island from wildfires.

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