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IFE and UKRO partnership aims to enhance rescue standards in the UK

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The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) and the United Kingdom Rescue Organisation (UKRO) have announced a new collaboration to improve professional rescue services in the UK.

Taking their partnership further, the collaboration focuses on the development of an extrication professional framework.

This development signifies a key move in enhancing the expertise and competencies of rescue professionals by means of formal acknowledgment.

Annual rescue challenge marks the partnership announcement

The partnership came to light during the opening ceremony of the annual rescue challenge held on 14th September.

Both professional bodies, sharing a mutual objective, are dedicated to upholding the apex standards of competency in rescue undertakings.

This collaboration sees the IFE expand their status as a recognised training provider.

Strengthening the foundation of rescue standards

The IFE stands as a global membership body for professionals in the fire sector, and UKRO represents the benchmark for UK fire rescue.

Together, they aim to amalgamate their joint know-how and resources to curate an extrication framework.

This framework is designed to address the contemporary challenges encountered by rescue professionals in our fast-paced world.

Ian Marritt, the Director for Education and Development at UKRO commented on the parnership: “In a time when the demands of the profession call for heightened professionalism and verifiable evidence of firefighter capability, the Extrication Operators and Instructor Qualification offers an effective way for fire and rescue services to highlight firefighters’ understanding, insight, and hands-on skills in managing road traffic mishaps.”

He added: “Formulated diligently in line with the Extrication Framework, this model aligns with National Operational Guidance.

“More than just a certification, it serves as an acknowledgment of our firefighters’ expertise, revealing the pledge to uphold stringent professional norms within the UK fire and rescue service.

“This emphasises our commitment to respond adeptly and securely to crises, bolstering the holistic service quality we extend to the public.”

For those partaking in recognised courses or programmes, or choosing a recognised training provider, there’s an assurance that the course aligns with the IFE’s distinctive recognition criteria.

Adding to the conversation, Steve Hamm, IFE CEO commented: “Our union with UKRO represents a significant push towards championing distinction in rescue operations.

“By working jointly on a competency blueprint, we not only empower individual rescuers but also add value to the broader safety of the communities they cater to.

“Our combined endeavour epitomises our steadfast commitment to novelty, proficiency, and the persistent betterment of rescue methodologies.”

This crucial juncture in professional rescue signifies a dawning era characterized by diversified expertise and ingenuity.

With the merger of their wisdom and assets, the IFE and UKRO set the pace for a safer and more adept phase for rescue procedures.

IFSJ Comment

The partnership between the IFE and UKRO is a testament to the evolving landscape of rescue services in the UK.

As challenges grow in complexity, there’s an increasing demand for streamlined frameworks and standards that can guide professionals in delivering their best.

This alliance not only reinforces the importance of proficiency but also underscores the value of collaboration in shaping the future of rescue operations.

By combining their expertise, the IFE and UKRO are setting a benchmark that could influence rescue operations on a global scale, ensuring that responders are always prepared, competent, and efficient.

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