Raising public awareness on battery fires

Iain Hoey
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NFCC and Material Focus release educational video on battery fires
In an attempt to curb the growing number of fires sparked by discarded batteries, a new public safety film, “Stop Battery Fires”, has been launched.
This initiative is a partnership between Material Focus and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) aimed at educating the public on the proper disposal of batteries and electrical items.
The information can be found on the NFCC’s website and the video is available for local authorities to disseminate.
The rise in battery fires
According to a Material Focus survey, over 700 fires ignited by batteries were reported within the waste and recycling system across the UK last year.
The “Stop Battery Fires” campaign aims to address this alarming statistic.
Role of the local authorities in preventing battery fires
Local authorities play a key role in the reduction of battery fires. Material Focus is urging these bodies to participate in the 2023 “Stop Battery Fires Survey” to gather fresh data on the incidence and impact of such fires.
Educating the public on the dangers of improper battery disposal
Mark Andrews, NFCC waste fires lead, said: “Fire and rescue services see first-hand the impact of fires caused by the incorrect disposal of batteries and electrical items.
The ‘Stop Battery Fires’ campaign and film will help support local authorities in raising awareness of this issue.”
Call to action
Help raise awareness of battery fires in your community by watching and sharing the “Stop Battery Fires” video.
If you represent a local authority, contribute to the ongoing efforts by participating in the “Stop Battery Fires Survey”.
For more information or to get involved, please contact Material Focus directly at [email protected].
IFSJ Comment
The launch of this public safety film represents a critical move towards addressing the growing issue of battery fires across the UK.
By raising awareness and educating the public on safe disposal practices, we hope to see a notable decrease in battery-related fires in the future.